Friday 6 May 2011

It's Ideal!

I got a Mouse Trap Game for Christmas around 1970. I think I played the actual game just once, that was really dull, but assembling the wonderfully Heath Robinson-esque trap and seeing it operate gave me many hours of enjoyment.

For the uninitiated, this was how it worked. Turning crank A cause cog B to rotate. A tab on the cog caused a stop sign on a lever tensioned with a rubber band to move backwards. Once the tab released the lever, the stop sign sprang forwards, propelling an old boot hanging from a lamp post into a bucket, which tipped over, releasing a ball bearing. This tumbled down a flight of stairs, and then into a sinuous drainpipe, at the bottom of which it barreled into a spring loaded pole with a hand on top. A bowling ball is balanced precariously on top of a crazy complex of plumbing - this is disturbed by the hand on the pole and guided through a thing-ma-jig (that's what they called it), dropping down into a bath tub and then down onto a seesaw. A diver is perched on the other end of the see saw - he is propelled into a hot tub and the vibrations caused by his landing causes the cage balanced on top of a serrated pole to fall down onto the space where the mouse used to be. The mouse is now in the next county.

I'm shocked to discover that MB Games have redesigned the mouse trap. Is nothing sacred? I mean, what is going on here? There's a toilet on top, for heavens sake!

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