Friday 31 May 2013


I'm getting fed up with the professionally offended.

Lets get one thing straight. I'm not complaining about Political Correctness - that's just the Politically Correct term for what used to be called politeness, as used by people who think being polite is an assault on their own personal liberty.

I'm talking about its opposite - people who get offended because they think they can get advantage out of it. Or even worse, people who get offended on behalf of other people, but don't seem to know why and just follow some sort of mindless herd instinct. Twitter thrives on these people. I'm forever deleting the latest 'outrage' I'm being expected to condemn from my Facebook feed. Invariably the person who is complaining about a silly xenophobic joke on Top Gear is the same person who forwards nonsense about immigrants swamping the UK.

Sexism, Racism and Homophobia are real important issues. Beakism isn't. But if we persuade enough stupid people that it is we can make it happen.

Smith just has a paper cup stuck to his face. He's not a beakist. Neither is he a Jimmy Duante fan. He'd just like to be able to get the cup off his face.

If you or anyone you know has been affected by the issues brought up in this cartoon please don't bother me with them.

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