Monday 17 February 2014

Curling synchronicity

It's funny how some ideas hit different people simultaneously. I was on Facebook just before going to bed on Sunday Night/Monday Morning when Cynthia Sonier, the creator of Sooky Rottweiller messaged me to say she'd come up with this idea of using cats as curling stones. Alas, I'd already penicilled the art for the same idea that very afternoon, and I showed her the proof.

We're both Winter Olympics fans. Cynthia invited me to a wager where the characters would one strip would appear in the other depending on which country was furthest up the medal table at the end of the games. I conceded immediately - we may pick up a few medals at curling and assorted versions of sliding down an icy drainpipe on a tea tray, but we're at Eddie the Eagle levels in most of the other disciplines. In fact, when Jenny Jones won a Bronze in the Ladies' Slopestyle snowboarding, that was the first medal Great Britain has ever won on snow ever ever ever! So take a look at today's Sooky, there are a few guest stars playing curling in it.

Curling is a fun game - I'm lucky enough to have a curling rink in between where I work and where I live - the only one in England in fact. It's built in a shed on a farm at the bottom of the same twisty country road that has the cattery Billy and Bella visit when I'm in the States. Novices are equipped with 'kippers' to wear on their feet so they won't slip over on the ice, so it's not as intimidating as you would think. The special grainy ice they use on the rink is fascinating as well. The stones weigh a ton, but they're easy to push about on the ice, and the greatest exertion to be had is sweeping ahead of a slow moving stone.

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