Tuesday 22 February 2011

enter the cockroach

This is why I introduced the typewriter a few weeks ago.

Yes, his name is archy (with a lower case a). I must reread the Archy and Mehitabel poems at some point - I remember coming across them in Tunbridge Wells Children’s library when I was about eight or nine and devouring every book I could find. I remember the characters, but the poems themselves I’ve forgotten. I must find them again, especially with the George Herriman illustrations...

I’m told Don Marquis did a sequel, Jughead and Mehitabel, but that never sold.

It has been pointed out to me that a certain orange cat has also had dealings with a cockroach called Archy. That may be so, but not to my knowledge - I've deliberately kept away from Garfield just to make sure I don't accidentally lift any of Jim Davis' ideas. Besides, this is actually a redraw of a cartoon I first produced at school in 1981. The original is reproduced below. I couldn't draw straight lines then, either.

1 comment:

  1. WOW - 1981, My apologies for my miss-quote. The orange cat has been borrowing stuff from Smith.

    SMITH Rules!
