Sunday 6 February 2011

Mike Pike Essipode 4

Fairly straightforward this week - there's only one period joke to explain.

This was the mid 80s and there was a circulation war going on between the tabloids, and it was being fought with bingo cards. The cards with your numbers on were free, but the only way to find out what numbers had been called was to buy the paper every day. The idea of gambling via newsprint slowly permeated up to the quality press, by 1985 it was even happening in the Times, though that was called 'Portfolio' and was based on the movements in the stock exchange.

Newspaper bingo games eventually got killed off by the a combination of the internet becoming popular, and the launch of the National Lottery.

As ever, I like to root my cartoons in geographical reality, and this weeks strip takes place at two different addresses in Princes Street, Tunbridge Wells.

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