Monday 21 January 2013


As I mentioned in a Millie post a week ago, if snow is going to fall in Britain at any time, it's usually round about now, just after Christmas when it's no longer seasonal and just gets in the way. I'm writing this on Sunday night, a week ago, and the long range weather forecast says we're expecting some snow over the next week or so. If we're extremely unlucky an inch of snow will fall, officially closing the entire country down, as we can't cope with snow. People will forget how to drive - trains will be paralyzed as the points freeze up in that totally unpredictable way they do every single bloody winter - supermarkets will emptied by panic buyers. If we're lucky, less will fall, but the country will still close down anyway. 21 miles away, in France, life will continue as normal under a three foot blanket of ice.

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