Saturday 13 July 2013

Millie Week 97: Mon 13 July - Sat 18 July 1992

At my old school the school sports day (something for which I was very happy to be a spectator every year) always led up to its grand finale, the inter-house tug of war match.

I know - school houses, how very Harry Potter. My school had four houses, and despite us being assigned to them at random on our first day it still seemed that our character was determined by the house we were put in. Knott was the sporty house, Atwell was the artistic one, Hunt was where the thugs tended to go, and Sebastian was the leftover Hufflepuff sort of house. I was assigned to Atwell.

Richard's tug of war storyline never got its payoff - I think he had to miss out on sports day due to tree-related whiplash.

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