Monday 2 June 2014

Pyoing and other sound effects

When I was a kid I decided I would compile a dictionary of sound effects as used in comics. I went through my wardrobe of comics (when you're 9 years old what's the point of using a wardrobe to store anything as dull as mere clothes?) and catalogued in sort of alphabetical order all the onomatopoeic words I could find. You've seen several of them appear in the strip. But there are some which I've never been able to find a home for.

The most imaginative sound effects came from 'Look-In' magazine, the Junior TV Times. It was full of comic strips about the TV and pop stars of the mid 70s, drawn to order by some stunning Spanish artists whose grip on the English language was as bad as their sense of comic layout was good.

My two favourite sound effects I've never been able to use are:

KLEEKA! - The sound of David Cassidy's cheap retractable ballpoint pen being used as a weapon.

THOOOOOM-BANG! - A coconut exploding in a fairground.

One day I shall find a home for these...

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