Saturday 2 April 2011

Millie Week 10

If the last week's cartoon wasn't based on experience, this one definitely is. I hated sports (or 'games' as it was officially called, in a effort to diminish the sadism and make it sound no more harmless than a game of Ludo) when I was at secondary school. Rugby during the autumn term, Hockey in the spring term and Cricket in the summer term. To this day I'm still not entirely sure of the rules of either of those sports - but to summarise:

Rugby is cold and wet and violent played on a muddy pitch with the consistency of soup.
Hockey is cold and wet and violent and played with weapons on a frozen pitch with the consistency of iron.
Cricket is boring, and you will get hit by a cricket ball in the nuts.

I became an expert at forgetting my kit. 

Eventually the teachers realised I wasn't cut out for team games and allowed me out to go cross country running instead. Well, they called it running - actually so long as we completed the course they set and checked in with the teacher at the most distant part of the course they didn't care how we did it.

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