Saturday 7 January 2012

Millie, Week 19, Mon 7 - Wed 9 Jan 1991

Click to enlarge
I'm having trouble finding complete syndication sheets for 1991, so for the meantime I'm going back to my scrapbooks. However, this does mean that we have to deal with the discolouration that has happened to the newsprint over the ages. And for the next two weeks, I'm afraid there are some dreadful Gloy gum stains from the cheap and nasty paste that I used to stick the cartoons in with. After that I chucked the Gloy out and used Pritt stick instead.

I was a newspaper delivery boy for about two months in January and February 1976. Two months was about all I could manage - I have never been an early riser and getting up before the sun did was totally alien to my being. My habit of reading the comics in all the papers I was delivering didn't help either.

Being a delivery boy in England is a bit different to being one in the States. I had to stick the paper through the front doors of all the houses on my route. It was in the 'village' area of Tunbridge Wells, mainly old cottages and Victorian houses around a small park called The Grove. There was no way I could just cycle past and throw a paper in the general direction of the front lawn, as there weren't any.

The tabloid in the last frame was meant to be the Sun, at that time a very partisan and populist Conservative paper. The front cover reads 'Neil Kinnock eats babies'. Neil Kinnock was the Labour leader at the time. (To be fair, The Daily Mirror was an equally partisan Labour paper and could be equally childish).

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